Monday 3 May 2021

Attachment on Social Media

 Social media is the most widely used platform for finding entertainment, recreation, hobbies, networking, and even collecting various data and knowledge. People can easily communicate with one another via social media, no matter how far apart they are. You can also find entertainment on various social media sites such as twitter, instagram, youtube, and the most common and widely used website, Facebook. In today's world, social media has become one of the most important sources of happiness and knowledge for the majority of people. Despite the positive aspects of social media, the negative aspects cannot be overlooked. This blog is all about the benefits and drawbacks of social media.


The Disadvantages of Social Media


On the other side Social Media has crucial disadvantages. This disadvantages must be taken seriously for those who are attached to social media. Here are the list of the disadvantages:


Reduce real-life interaction:

The rise of media has made not only the young generation but also the former generation more social and has thus, reduced the real-life communication between everyone. The more people indulge themselves in social media, the more they get addicted to it and try to avoid physical one-on-one with their families and friends.


Cyber crimes:

The high use of social media has increased the number of cyber crimes performed too. Cybercrime is just the same as a real-life crime conducted on a social media platform. Too much trust on social media has made people share their personal details, resulting in cyber criminals violating their privacy on social media platforms. Then some hackers contribute to cyber crimes. That is one way in which social media kills privacy very easily.


Infestation on grammar:

The high use of social media has given rise to the excessive use of abbreviations and slangs everywhere, not only on social media but also in real life conversations. People have started using abbreviations to the extent that they have forgotten the correct way to use grammar or to strike up a conversation. Just to make ones talk look cool,” people make up their abbreviations and have started forgetting the correct way address, someone. It is a prevalent way in which social media has destroyed ancient languages.


Health issue:

Social media addiction is very harmful. If a person gets addicted to social media, he/she can sit up for hours and hours without any real-life interaction which will be not only harmful to their eyes but also their mental health. The stunning lifestyle on the internet supports drug abuse by using terms such as All cool people do drugs.” These kinds of statements influence the young teens to be a part of it.

The Advantages of Social Media

 Social Media has the common advantages that all of us experienced. Here are the list of the common advantages that social media given to us:  


Social media is an excellent form of interface to communicate with our old or new friends, colleagues, and anyone we like to chat with anytime. Social media helps people bring back their old memories, celebrate new memories and also meet new people in their life. Social media platforms have been a blessing for the world of communication.



Social media inevitably brings amusement and entertainment for everyone of every age, gender, caste, color, and creed. Teenagers feel great when they upload a picture and get likes and kind comments on their posts. Older adults feel great when they see the photos and videos of their children & grandchildren happy. Social media admittedly does an excellent job of making everyone happy.



People get all sorts of great opportunities in life for their betterment through various social media platforms. Students from overseas who have worked hard get great opportunities for colleges abroad. A person looking for a job uses social media platforms for the desired position in their desired place. Social media also gives a chance to entrepreneurs and dreamers who want to bring a change for good. Social media does provide a significant push to a person who needs it with incredible opportunities.

Attachment on Social Media

  Social media is the most widely used platform for finding entertainment, recreation, hobbies, networking, and even collecting various data...